This is a typical “advance fee” scam email. Often these type of emails use well known companies as the supposed senders, in an attempt to build trust. In this case, the scammers have chosen Microsoft. Microsoft, however, do not run any type of lottery or “email selection balloting promotional programme “.
Other indicators that there is something suspicious about this email are that it arrived in my Inbox at 7.30 PM on a Saturday evening (unlikely the “Microsoft Award Team” in the UK would be in the office), the poor grammar and the fact it arrived in my Spam folder as the email had been rerouted through many countries to try and hide the senders identity.
- reply-to
- subject Congratulation Your Email ID Won (£500,000.00 GBP)
Microsoft Award Team
10 Great Pulteney Road,
London,W1F9NB, United Kingdom.Ref: BTD/968/07
Batch: 409978E
Dear Lucky Winner,We the united kingdom Microsoft lottery board wishes to inform you officially that your email ID attached to the Ref: BTD/968/07 and Batch: 409978E number won you the amount of £500,000.00 GBP, in our email selection balloting promotional programme for the month of may 2008.
CERTIFICATE OF PRIZE CLAIM(Receipt Official Notification Letter)
1. Full Name:
2. Address:
3. Marital Status:
4. Occupation :
5. Age:
6. Sex:
7. Nationality:
8. Telephone Number:
Please contact your claims officer with the above Reference & Batch to enable him process your winnings. Contact Agent Mr Ben Oris Via This email ID ( )Call telephone number
for confirmation.(+44704-572-1259). Congratulations to you Once again from all our Staffs.Congratulations to you Once again from all our Staffs.
Chief Online Co-ordinator Ben Oris.
On behalf of United Kingdom Microsoft Lottery Board.Mr.Ben Oris
Microsoft Award Department
If you have received a similar email and wish to verify the authenticity, the actual contact information of Microsoft UK is as follows:
Microsoft Campus
Thames Valley Park
Telephone no. 0870 60 10 100